Search For The King Documentation Saving Games: Type Save ( you can also press Esc, which takes you to the system menu, Then highlight FILE and press Enter, Which takes you to the file menu; Highlight Save and press Enter again - But Why?) After a SAVE GAME screen appears,(With a Directory that can hold up to 10 Games. You can use another directory to hold more.) A NOTE ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GAME The basic premise of Search For The King is this: Les Manley is the central character. You direct Les to do and say things. When the game responds, it is responding to Les. Information comes to you through Les - his eyes, ears, etc If you want to know where you are, or to find a peticular object you have to tell Les to look around, check things out, etc. Movement from scene to scene is usually accomplished by physically moving Les. There are a few occasions where you will need to type "exit" or "leave" to move to another screen. This will be necessary in where Les himself does not appear. HOW TO MOVE LES: There are two ways you can controll Les, With either the keyboard or a mouse. KEYBOARD You can move Les around using either the arrow keys or the numeric keypad with the num lock off. Simply hit the key that corresponds to the direction you want Les to walk. To halt press the key you hit again. Do not hold down the key, this will make Les start and stop continously, resulting in low self-esteem and very slow progress. USING THE MOUSE: Start movement by clicking the left mouse button on the spot where you want Les to move. You can also guide Les around by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the arrow aroun the screen. Les will follow the arrow. SPEED CONTROL Sometimes you want Les to move fast. Other times you want him to move more precisely, so it's usefull to slow him down. To speed Les up, hit the + key. To return him to his normal saunter, press the =. Mouse users can go to the Speed Menu (See the System Menu section) to adjust the animation speed. HOW TO INTERACT WITH "A LES MANLEY WORLD" Type in Simple Commands Most will be quite basic, consisting of a verb and a direct object (e.g., "Look at the boss" or "Look Boss"). Follow all typed commands with the Enter key. "Talk" to people Les can also engage in dialogue with the characters he meets. The conversation directive can be general ("talk to man") or be very specific ("ask boss about contest" or "Mr. Burnbaum, tell me about the contest"). SOME VERBS Ask About (ab) Look (l) sing ask for look at sit climb look in score close look under stand dance open (o) take (t) drop pull taste jump push touch listen put unlock read awaken examine give tell me about talk to Text Feedback Every time you enter a command, a window with a text reply will appear. Read the reply, then either (1) press Enter to remove the window and resume play, or (2) type in further commands. NOTE: Keep in mind that some text replies continue for more than one window. Draw a Map Make sure it includes each place you visit, and marks dangerous situations, object locations, and other landmarks alon the way. Sound Toggle sound on and off by pressing Ctrl-S Score When you complete the game (you'll know when that is), type score to see your final point total. The System Menu Press escape to bring up the Menu System (if you are using a mouse just click on the top menu bar) The menu presents the following 5 options: 1. File. this takes you to the file menu where you are presented with the following options: -RESTART Lets you restart the game -SAVE Takes you to a directory which can list up to 10 saved games. -LOAD Takes you to the Load game menu, where you can load a previously saved game. Use the arrow keys to highlight the game you want to load. Use the Tab key to flip thru the options listed on the right LOAD to load the selected game. CANCEL To cancel the transaction. DIR to look for saved games on other directories. -SOUND Lets you toggle the sound on or off (you can also do this with Ctrl-s) -HELP Takes you to a help screen that offers some basic tips for menu use. -CANCEL Takes you out of the menu and back to the game. THE WORD PROCESSOR To repeat your four most recent commands simply press the space bar the most recent command will appear. Then use the up/down arrew keys to scroll through the four most rescent commands. Other Features: <- -> Moves the cursor one character at a time. End Moves cursor to end of text line. Home Moves cursor to the beginning of the text line CTRL = arrow up Moves cursor to beginning of next/previous word in a line of text (movement depends to direction of arrow.) Ctrl + D Delete word. Ctrl + X Delete line. Esc Cancel typed command line. Arrow up / down Cycle through previous 4 commands. Common Command Shortcuts Space Bar Repeat previous command F5 Quick Save F7 Quick load Esc Brings up menu system Tab Highlights menu items I Inventory Q + Enter Quit game Ctrl + S Toggle sound on / off + Increase animation speed - Decrease animation speed = Normal animation speed Abbreviations L Look O Open T Take I Inventory A B Ask about Q Quit Some Basic Tactics 1. After you enter a room type look. You will get a general discription of the area. Read carefully. Clues here may guide you to something more specific in the scene. 2. Be A Voyeur. Look at evrything Some objects are vital. Others barely worth the pixels they're drawn on. 3. Notice a difference between "look at","Look on", and "Look in" Generally the game treats them the same. There will be times, however, when each will elicit a different response. The difference can be critical. 4. Take evrything that is not bolted down. "Taking" may not allways work, but it's fun to try - and Les needs a wide variety of things to complete his search. 5. Do stuff to things and people. Check out the list verbs for some interesting actions. 6. Meticulously "explore" (i.e., physically move Les around) each area. Exits are sometimes not obvious. Or they may be difficult for Les to negotiate, particulary at high game speeds. Also a command that wont work in one place may work in another. 7. When in doubt, MOVE ON! If you get stuck, plunge ahead into new territory. Fresh inspiration lurks around every corner. 8. Save your game alot, Frequently, Really, often, infact. Trust us. If you're playing with floppy disks, have a formatted disk ready for saving locations. WARNING: The following blatent give-away is FOR BEGINNERS ONLY! If you are a graphic adventure veteran, and personal integrity is important to you, READ NO FURTHER! WALK THROUGH Note some of the commands are capitalized. This is to illustrate how commands or sentences may be abbreviated (i.e., type L man for look MAN or L DOOR for Look at the DOOR). You can use any combinations of upper and lowercase letters you want. First thing you might try to do is: >Look at STELLA Or you could try to >Look to STELLA When she leaves, how about trying to: >Look at the DESK You could also >Look UNDER IT >Look ON IT >Look IN IT How about >Look at the PHONE And then >TAKE If you forgot to tell Les what to take, just type PHONE. There's no need to retype in the entire command. (Pretty neat, huh?) Now walk Les out of his office into the hall, then try >Look at the DOOR >READ SIGN >Open DOOR, unfortunately, might not get too far. Continue down the hallway to the right until you get to the bosses office. If you didn't know it was Les' bos, you could type >Look at the MAN Say... What's on his desk? try: >Look ON DESK followes by >Look at keys Aha! That must be what you've been looking for. Go ahead and >Take the KEYS Now you can go back and unlock that door! Right? Have fun, And Good Luck